jueves, 4 de marzo de 2010


We're Maria Barambio, Julia Pérez, Clàudia Perona and Noelia Ramírez and we have done a teamwork to know more about journalists. Here you ahve the results:

MANAGING EDITORS.(Clàudia perona & noelia Ramírez)

We have been searching some news in different mass media (newspapers, magazines, internet....), and we have discovered some aspects that the newsitems have in common. Almost all of them have the same elements.

The most common elements are:

  • Timeliness.

  • Impact.

  • Prominence.

One example of a news item with this three elements can be this:

''Treasure Hunter''

  • Timeliness (they discovered Cleopatra's tomb last week).

  • Impact (it is one of the most important discoveries from egypts).

  • Prominence (Cleopatra was/is famous in all the world).

It is very difficult to find a newsitem with the six elements, but we have discovered one, but its in Spanish:

Fallece en accidente de tràfico el joven picador salamantino Juan Luis Rivas:

Juan Luis Rivas, hijo del varilarguero del mismo nombre fallecido el año pasado, regresaba sólo a su domicilio desde Salamanca después de haberse despedido allí del resto de la cuadrilla, con la que esa misma tarde había viajado desde Calahorra (La Rioja) para participar en un festejo que fue suspendido por la lluvia. El accidente se registró sobre las 21.00 horas en el kilómetro número cinco de la carretera provincial SA-211, dentro del término de Matilla de los Caños y muy cerca de Aldehuela de la Bóveda donde residía el joven subalterno que, a la muerte de su padre, tomó el relevo de éste dentro de la cuadrilla de Eduardo Gallo. Hasta el lugar del suceso se desplazaron agentes de la Guardia Civil y facultativos del Servicios de Emergencias Sanitarias de Castilla y León (112) que nada pudieron hacer por salvar la vida del joven. La corrida anunciada ayer por la tarde en Calahorra (La Rioja) y que finalmente no pudo celebrase reunía en el cartel a Eduardo Gallo, Rubén Pinar y Miguel Tendero frente a toros de Las Monjas.

Timeliness: It has happened some days ago.

Impact: All te people who like bulls, and all the people of Salamanca.

Prominence: He was famous.

Proximity: It has happened in Spain.

Conflict: He is died.

Currency: Last year his father died too.

Circulation Editors By Júlia Pérez & Maria Barambio:

- Analyze the target audience for the top stories your group found.

I'm Júlia Pérez Arquillo and I did the paper of nwspaper reader. My target audience was ordinary people, workers, housewife, etc...
I'm Maria Barambio Plaza and I was the magazinenews reader. My readers use to be teenagers, grandmothers, so, gossip people.

- List 6 stories (two in each media section) that your group found.
Júlia's newspaper:
Name of newspaper:
Timeliness: Yes, it is. 11/02/10
Impact: All the world, because are olympic games.
Proximity: It's in Canada, so it hasn't got for us, but for American people it has.
Prominence: Yes, for American people. But not here, moreover the who of this story is not well-known (Vancouver Mayor).
Timesliness: Yes, it is. 18/02/10
Impact: In America it has, moreover it had place in a zoo.
Proximity: It was in Amercia so, it's not interesting for us.
Prominence: No, because the maincharacter of this story (Andrew McDonald) is not well- known and in America either.

Maria's magazine news:
3 – Dengue Fever could be the next Public: Last spring of swine flu sparked a panic, and they declarated a pandemic. So the universities and drug companies start to develop new vaccines. Meanwhile another public health threat proliferated virtually ignored: Dengue fever, potentially lethal mosquito- bones discover traditionally found most is central America and South Asia.

4 - Milan fashion: Missoni's show is a family affair :There are approximately 300 shows spread across four weeks at this time of year. Missoni did this in the final 30 seconds of the show.The company wanted to get up there and join the parade; they all looked so wholesome and friendly. The Missonis are a clever bunch. They know that heritage and authenticity are where it’s at and are sure as hell going to use it to their advantage; their summer ad campaign is also digging the family thing. Everyone left feeling as if they’d had a big Missoni hug — and these days, that’s what counts.

Briefly describe what kind of readers would find the story interesting and explain why the readers would find these stories interesting.

1 – this new talks us about the snow olympic games, who are the favourites players and only specialist people in the sdubject will be interest it on it.
2 – A law layer invented a new law because of an accident that took place in a zoo, where a police shoot a woman. This new would be read it by anyone and It's not necessary to be especialist in law.
3- Last spring of swine flu sparked a panic, and they declarated a pandemic. So the universities and drug companies start to develop new vaccines. Meanwhile another public health threat proliferated virtually ignored: Dengue fever, potentially lethal mosquito- bones discover traditionally found most is central America and South Asia.

4- The news explain that there are 300 fashion events spread through four weeks, so they have to be very fast. A fashionist called Missonin is one of the participants. Everyone does their best.

domingo, 31 de enero de 2010

Ear Found In Pavement

A construction company decided three months ago to make a new hotel in front of the Premià de Mar beach. Yesterday, while the workers where renewing the pavement, they found a little strange thing in it. They realized that the strange thing was an ear, so before going on, they called the police. Once there, they took the ear to the laboratory to look who was it from. Finally the scientifics discovered that the ear was from a Mafia Capone, who the police were looking for. The police say that this is very strange because some weeks ago the Mafia Capone gave signals of life, so thy still believed he was alive. Now his case has been closed until something appears.

domingo, 24 de enero de 2010

The Midnight Attack!!

Last Tuesday Juan Luna, a 28-year-old construction worker from north Huston, was shot to death in the chest during a robbery at his home. He died some hours later at Memorial Hermann Hospital. The gunman went out of a car and pointed him with a gun and fired one shot. Then he sped away in a dark-coloured-car.
Right now Huston homicide detectives are investigating and requesting assistance from any possible witness.

jueves, 21 de enero de 2010

Words into hieroglyphics

Today, we have learnt that English is based on 26 characters-letters. Letters that are combined into words and then into sentences, which tell us a story.
Ancient Egyptians writing uses more that 2,000 hieroglyphics characters. It's hieroglyphic represents a common object in ancient Egypt.Hieroglyphics could represent the sound of the object or they could represent an idea associated with the object.
Now we're going to translate some journalist words into English:

Mass media


News item



jueves, 14 de enero de 2010

Types of news papers in UK

We have been studying the newspapers and here there are our conclusions.

So, there are two types of newspapers:

  1. Broadsheets: They are the most serious..

  2. Tabloid press: They are sensational, they have gossip columns...

There are three formats when we talk about the size:

Broadsheets format 600 mm by 380 mm. Ex: The Times.

Tabloids: half the size of broadsheets at 380 mm by 300 mm Ex: The sun

:Berliner or Midi:: 470 mm by 315 mm used by European.Ex:El Pais

There is a type of journalism called yellow journalism: It was sensational and it was meant to angry and exit the people, rather than to inform.

Now, we are going to talk about two newspapers, The Guardian and The sun:

The Guardian

It its a broadsheet paper. It is in Berliner format.

It was founded in Manchester, by a group of non-conformist people, headed by John Edward Taylor.

The price of the daily newspaper is 80 P.

The Guardian comes with the G2 supplement containing feature articles, columns, television and radio listings, and the quick crossword. Since the change to the Berliner format, there is a separate daily Sport section. Other regular supplements during the week are shown below.

The sun

The sun is a daily tabloid newspaper. It was firs published on broadsheet format, on 15 September 1964.The word SUN stood for Student Union Newspaper.

They talk about pop music stories, gossip, television stories, concentrating on soaps and reality TV. Its head lines are witty, pertinent, outrageous or blatantly offensive.

The Sun's brash headlines and bold presentation of news have made it a consistent subject of controversy and criticism throughout Rupert Murdoch's ownership.