domingo, 13 de diciembre de 2009

Our newspaper page!

Here you can see a very original news item created by ourselves. It talks about the disappearance of all the snowmen in the world and the possible responsibles of it. If you want to know how the story continues just read it(You can click the image if you want to see it in a better quality). We hope you like it!!

Our powerpoint about Why Do People Read, Whatch or Listen To The News

Why Do People Read, Watch, Or Listen To The News
This is our first power-point in "Let's Become A Reporter" class. The presentation was an oral exam to share with our class what we think about news. You can see funny pictures and our particular opinions about this topic.You can watch it if you want to! We hope you like it!

jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2009




The Editor's office

This is where the editor works. This is the person who has the final say on which reports will be published or broadcast.

The studio.

This is where the presenter reads the news.

The news desks

It's where the latest stories from around the world are turned into reports.

The meeting area.

This is where all the members of the news room get together to talk about the news agenda for that day.

The research desk

This is where the researchers plan the stories that the journalists will cover in the future.

The subeditor's desk.

The subeditor's work is to make sure the reports are correct and that are interesting for the people who will read or watch them.

The picture desk

This is where the photographers work choosing and preparing their best pictures.

jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2009

Twilight Robots!

(This is an invented new item for the school, not a real one!!)

"Toyzone" has invented a new robot for all Twilight fans. The new toy will be released in Europe at the end of November. First it will be sold in Britain because there was where they invented it, then it will be sold in other countries. "Toyzone" has made these robots from the characters of Jacob, Bella & Edward. Twilight sponsors gave them $ to make them up. This way they advertise the new film, "New Moon".

domingo, 18 de octubre de 2009

Let's Talk Abot Us

Noelia usually watches TV, but the time depends on the day. She always watches TV at night. She usually watches 105TV, Antena 3, Tele 5, Disnney Channel, ... The kind of programs that she watches are sitcoms, cartoons, reality shows and game shows. Her favourite Tv program is called Física o Química. her favourite TV presenter is Tomas Molina. She thinks Spanish TV is very good.

She hardly ever reads a newspaper, but when she read, it she flicks trough El Periódico. She likes social news, but she doesn't like any section in special. In our country the news paper are different depending on their political tendency. She often reads gossiping magazines such as Super Pop.
She has visited a lot of blogs for many reasons. She has also created blogs for school(like this on). She had never visited a news blog.
The differences between a news blog and an online news paper is that in news blogs you can comment and the text is not written by journalists like in online news papers.

Júlia watches TV often, usually at night, because she is always very busy. She usually watches 105TV, Tv1, Cuatro, La Sexta and Disney Channel. She watches sitcomes, cartoons, news, ... Her favourite sitcom is "Just For Laughs". Her favourite tv presenter is Tomas Molina. For her tv is rubbish. She reads the paper every day. She usually reads 20minutos, El Pais, El periodico or ADN. She reads through them thoroghly. She reads first the social section. The papers she reads depend on which wings are they, right or left. She only reads magazines when she goes to the hairdresser. She has visited a blog for many things. She created a blog for school, she visited some news blogs such as El Periodico or El Pais blog. She thinks that online news papers are made by journalists and you can't comment as much as in a news blog.

miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2009


>Positive things:
- You can share, songs, images, videos, songs, etc. with you friends or with everybody (as you want).
- It’s a way of expressing your feelings and sharing hobbies, recipes,...
- It’s free.
- If you were absent the day before you can enter the school blog and check if there is homework.
- You can improve your writing.

>Negative things:
- Some of them are not sure: everybody can look and comment them. People can publish bad things about you, your friends, the images you have posted, etc.
- You can find inappropriate content (sex, violence,...)
- You have to update it very often.

We recommend you to have a blog. Sometimes it can be tiring but you almost always enjoy it. =D

jueves, 1 de octubre de 2009

How do we get our news????

We usually watch TV news in Antena 3 station. We also read newpapers such as ADN, El periódico, 20 minutos, El pais,... We sometimes listen to the radio while we are traveling by car. We read magazines such as Pronto, Hola,... and some teenager magazines such as Bravo or Super Pop.

domingo, 20 de septiembre de 2009

Types of blogs

Now we're going to post some links from different types of blogs:

The first type of blog is a sports blog:
Here you can see the results of the matches Liverpool has played.

The second type of blog is a how to cook blog:
Here you can find some cook recipes to cook some typical indian food. Also you can read some opinions from the girl who writes the blog.

The third type of blog is a Politics blog:
Here you can find some information of what Barack Obama does. You can find pictures, videos and explanations.

The fourth type of blog is about a schools blog:
Here there are some exercises for IES Salvador Espriu students.

The fifth type of blog is a private blog, but we cannot put any examples of it because it's private!

The sixth type of blog is a business blog:
Here you can find some Renfe news.

The seventh type of blog is a personal blog:
Here you can see some pictures about some handmade complements and the way to make them.